1st Grade
2024 - 2025 Picture Rocks 1st Grade Suggested Supply List
Although Marana Unified provides necessary items to support the curriculum, many students enjoy having their own supplies. The following are suggested supplies for the coming school year.
- 4 glue sticks
- 2 boxes of Crayola crayons (24 count)
- 2 boxes of Kleenex
- 4 large pink erasers (not the pencil tops)
- 2 packs of Ticonderoga Laddie pencils
- 8-10 black expo dry erase markers (preferably thin)
- Highlighters (various colors)
- Headphones
Please consider donating: Kleenex, Baby wipes/disinfectant wipes, Hand sanitizer, Paper towels, Zip lock bags (all sizes), Extra pencils, Extra erasers, Extra dry erase markers, Astrobright color copy paper, Washable markers, Sticky notes (any color), Elmer's gallon glue.